Karen Campion is an Integrative & Holistic Practitioner in Charlotte, NC . Trained in multiple healing modalities, she uses traditional counseling and complementary techniques to promote wellness and healing.

Healing trauma and childhood wounding is Karen's strength.  She is adept at identifying root causes. Recovery from states of panic, anxiety, fear, trauma, co-dependency, broken relationships, and life blocks are natural outcomes of this work. She is certified in The Adult Chair Model. Using Stress models, including IBSR Trauma Therapy, Somatic Experiencing to proven complementary techniques such as Havening, FasterEFT and Matrix Re-Imprinting allows for immediate change in lives. 

Karen is also trained as a Master Hypnotherapist, and in multiple modalities of Energy Medicine for physical/emotional healing, increasing energy, balancing chakras, releasing blocks and overall well being.

When you schedule an appointment with Karen, you will experience unconditional care.

Karen Campion, MHt

Karen Campion, MHt

Things are changing in me that I have spent my whole life trying to change.
— Danielle B
You helped me open my eyes to a whole new kind of treatment, and it has been extremely helpful.
— Casey